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SKU: 8JJAY746WJ Category: Tags: ,


  • Suitable for Obstetrics and Labour pain relief
  • Digital Dual Channel Obstetrics TENS unit
  • 1 Dedicated Labour Pain programme for ease of use
  • Remote Boost switch for additional pain control at times of intense pain
  • No known side effects for mother or baby
  • For use during labour User friendly
  • Compact, light and reliable

The Obstetric TENS Stimulator uses four long skin electrodes on the skin close to the spine and connected to the device via lead wires. The stimulation intensity is adjusted until a mild tingling sensation is felt. The NeuroTrac‚Ñ¢ Obstetric TENS unit has a hand held push button control to change the stimulation mode from LOW frequency burst to HIGH frequency stimulation. The low frequency is used during rest periods [Between contractions]. As soon as labour contraction is felt strongly the mode is changed to high frequency stimulation, once the contractions have subsided the mode is reverted back to low frequency burst mode stimulation.

Clinical evidence suggests that to achieve the best pain relief, the stimulator should be used from the first onset of labour pain and for two to three hours after birth. If it is found that insufficient pain relief is achieved with the obstetric TENS unit then, improved relief can be achieved by using smaller amounts of alternative analgesia to compliment the TENS unit.

From existing evidence, Obstetric Tens units can be an effective technique for pain control in over 80% of births with no side effects.


  • Dual channel: individually isolated circuits.
  • Amplitude: 0-80 mA into 500 Ohm load ; indication only. Actual mA will tend to be less than indicated due to electrode impedance: at 1000 Ohms load (Electrodes in poor condition) the maximum will be limited to 70 mA, at 1500 Ohms load the maximum will be limited to 65 mA.
  • Type: Constant Current, maximum output voltage 180 Volts +10 / -30 Volts.
  • Waveform: Asymmetrical, rectangular bi-phasic with zero DC current.
  • Pulse width: 220μS [2% accuracy].
  • Pulse Rate: 90Hz (Continuous mode) [2% accuracy].
  • Mode: Continuous (Boost mode).
  • Burst mode: Bursts of 9 pulses [200 μS] at 150 Hz, repeating twice every second (Rest mode).
  • Ramp up Time: 0.8 seconds from Rest to Boost.
  • Time duration: continuous until switched off.
  • Low Battery Indicator: If the battery goes below 6.9 volts +/- 0.2 volts the battery symbol will flash on/off once every second.
  • If the battery voltage is below 6.6 (+/- 0.2) volts the unit will not turn on.
  • Open Electrode Detect: If an open circuit is detected at the output of channel A or B the output current will be reset at zero.
  • Physical dimensions: 108 x 62 x 23 mm.
  • Weight: 0.09KG without battery, 0.14KG with battery.
  • Environmental Conditions for use: +10 to +30 degrees Centigrade. 0-90% Humidity.
  • Environmental conditions for storage & transport:-10 to +50 degrees Centigrade. 0-90% Humidity.

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